10 Small Things Successful People Do Every Day

The most successful people know to succeed you must take small action daily to have big wins.

Every day, we're surrounded by life lessons--little self-contained bits of truth that can help each of us to be a more successful manager, a greater boss, a superior leader, a better person.

It's easy to dismiss these ideas because they're packaged in such small bites, but they can be a great way to positively connect with some of the world's great wisdom.
Here are 10 of my favorites:

1. You have to start somewhere. The first step to getting anywhere is deciding you're not willing to stay where you are. The least helpful thing you can do is to wait for perfection before taking action. Start where you are, use what you have and do what you can to succeed.
2. There is always a demand for your supply of respect. Base your attitude in life on how you want to be treated and show respect even to people who don't deserve it. How you treat others is not a reflection of their character but of yours.
3. You win when everybody wins. Prepare to win and expect to win, but remember that to be a real winner you must also make winners of those around you.
4. If your presence doesn't add value, your absence won't be felt. The secret to success is no secret at all--it's finding ways to add value to people's lives. If you want to be rich in the truest sense of the world, it cannot be about you--it has to include adding value to the lives of those around you.
5. Focus your attention on what is important. Learn to be disciplined about what you respond to and react to. Not everyone and everything deserves your time, energy and attention. Make conscious choices about what you want to pay attention to and what you want to let go.
6. All the confidence you will ever need comes from the capabilities you've honed. Here's something I always tell my clients: Confidence comes from believing you are able but competence knows you're able. Believe in yourself and your possibilities, but know what you are already a master of.
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7. Love what you do or find something else. If you don't love what you do, you'll spend the rest of your life being miserable. It's really that simple. Love what you do and it will never feel like work.
8. Identify your limits and leverage your fortitude. You will never know your limits unless you push yourself beyond them. The only way to change yourself is to challenge yourself--if you never push, you have direction but no destination.
9. Know when to forge ahead and when to slow down. The faster we live, the busier we get--but the slower we take things, the deeper we can go. We need both action and reflection in the right balance.
10. To learn the best, learn from the best. Everyone you meet knows something you don't. Learning is a treasure, so connect with the expertise of those around you at every opportunity,
The biggest difference between successful people and not successful people, are the successful people know that taking small daily actions will lead to big results.
