10 Secrets of People Who Never Seem to Get Tired

Slide 1 of 11: <p>If you <strong><a href="http://www.theactivetimes.com/fitness/your-first-time/healthy-morning-routines-start-your-day-right">wake up</a></strong> in the morning feeling exhausted and can’t shake the feeling for the rest of the day, you may need to make some <strong><a href="http://www.theactivetimes.com/sitting-new-smoking-7-ways-sedentary-lifestyle-killing-you">lifestyle</a></strong> changes. Here are a few secrets of people who never seem to get tired.</p>

  • Slide 2 of 11: <p>People with a lot of energy “add natural supplements in the morning like spirilina or vitamin B to support their mental and physical energy,” Alia Steglinski, founder of <b><a href="http://shiftandshape.net/">Shift and Shape</a></b>, PT, nutritionist, and author, says.</p>

  • Slide 3 of 11: <p>Regular exercise has the ability to increase your <b><a href="http://www.theactivetimes.com/fitness/nutrition/pros-and-cons-energy-drinks">energy</a></b>, improve your <b><a href="http://www.theactivetimes.com/fitness/your-first-time/tips-stronger-muscles">muscle strength</a></b> and boost your endurance. People who never seem to get tired “do exercise that they LOVE every day for at least 30 minutes,” Steglinski says.</p>

  • Slide 4 of 11: <p>“They fuel their brains with quality food and water every few hours,” Steglinski says. There are certain <b><a href="https://www.theactivetimes.com/fitness/nutrition/8-foods-boost-your-energy">foods that have proven to help increase energy levels</a></b>, some of which include dark chocolate, nuts, dried fruit, and pumpkin seeds.</p>

  • Slide 5 of 11: <p>“They know <a href="https://www.theactivetimes.com/fitness/your-first-time/10-reasons-why-you-are-tired-all-time"><strong>how much sleep</strong></a> they require (most people require at least 7.5-9 hours [of] sleep a night) and ensure they get it or find ways to add it in where possible,” Steglinski says.</p>

  • Slide 6 of 11: <p>“They drink heaps of water,” Steglinski says. Water keeps you energized and healthy, promotes proper digestion and helps <a href="https://www.theactivetimes.com/fitness/nutrition/9-simple-ways-detox-your-body"><strong>eliminate toxins</strong></a>.</p>

  • Slide 7 of 11: <p>“They enjoy doing <b><a href="https://www.theactivetimes.com/fitness/your-first-time/5-benefits-mindful-living">mindfulness</a></b>or some form of meditation every day,” Steglinski says. This is “because it de-stresses them and preserves their good energy.”</p>

  • Slide 8 of 11: <p>They don’t over exert themselves – “with not over doing the work hours so they have time for their <a href="https://www.theactivetimes.com/fitness/n/10-stress-busters-busy-people"><strong>much needed rest</strong></a> (sleep) and play (exercise that they love, cooking with family, little getaways, etc.),” Steglinski says.</p>

  • Slide 9 of 11: <p>A glass of <a href="http://www.theactivetimes.com/fitness/nutrition/fitness-tip-day-drink-lemon-water"><b>warm lemon water</b></a> in the morning will increase your energy for the day. Lemon water is a natural energizer. It helps keep you hydrated, aids in the body’s digestive system, <a href="http://www.theactivetimes.com/fitness/your-first-time/25-best-ways-boost-your-metabolism"><b>boosts your metabolism</b></a>, rejuvenates your skin, and enhances your mood. *Just add 1 cup of fresh lemon juice to a glass of water.</p>

  • Slide 10 of 11: <p>Turning on the <a href="http://www.theactivetimes.com/travel/world/7-most-exhilarating-ways-see-northern-lights-norway"><strong>lights</strong></a> or going outside and being directly in the sunlight is key to staying awake. Light stimulation helps you <a href="http://www.theactivetimes.com/tossing-and-turning-all-night-after-run"><strong>stay awake</strong></a> longer. The bright lights hit your receptors which delay your circadian rhythm.</p>

  • Slide 11 of 11: <p>“They have a list of favorite music, motivational speakers or podcasts to get them ramped up when they need it,” Steglinski says. Play loud music and make sure it <a href="https://www.theactivetimes.com/healthy-living/lifestyle-wellness/caffeine-free-ways-boost-your-energy"><strong>gives off a lot of energy</strong></a>. Bass stimulates your mind. Listen to something different than what you like. Listening to the music you like will keep you in that tired, relaxed state of mind. Don’t forget to <strong><a href="http://www.theactivetimes.com/3-reasons-you-should-run-without-music">sing along</a></strong>.</p>

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