This New Treatment Could Make Your Cells Look Young Again

22 hours ago

Scientists affiliated with Harvard Medical School have made a breakthrough that could potentially reverse the signs of aging. They tested a treatment in mice, and found that it improves the cell’s ability to repair DNA damage incurred by radiation or aging. Human trials are set to begin in six months.
After just one week of treatment, the cells from older mice were identical to those of younger mice.
“Our results unveil a key mechanism in cellular degeneration and aging but beyond that they point to a therapeutic avenue to halt and reverse age-related and radiation-induced DNA damage,” said senior author David Sinclair, professor in the Department of Genetics at HMS and professor at the University of New South Wales School of Medicine in Sydney, Australia.
NASA is interested too — scientists hope the treatment can mitigate the damage to the body done by deep space missions by repairing the effects of cosmic radiation

Yahoo Beauty Staff 22 hours ago
