FBI has uncovered evidence that foreign hackers penetrated two state
election databases in recent weeks, prompting the bureau to warn
election officials across the country to take new steps to enhance the
security of their computer systems, according to federal and state law
enforcement officials.
FBI warning, contained in a “flash” alert from the FBI’s Cyber
Division, a copy of which was obtained by Yahoo News, comes amid
heightened concerns among U.S. intelligence officials about the
possibility of cyberintrusions, potentially by Russian state-sponsored
hackers, aimed at disrupting the November elections.
concerns prompted Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson to convene a
conference call with state election officials on Aug. 15, in which he
offered his department’s help to make state voting systems more secure,
including providing federal cyber security experts to scan for
vulnerabilities, according to a “readout” of the call released by the department.
emphasized in the call that Homeland Security was not aware of
“specific or credible cybersecurity threats” to the election, officials
said. But three days after that call, the FBI Cyber Division issued a
potentially more disturbing warning, entitled “Targeting Activity
Against State Board of Election Systems.” The alert, labeled as
restricted for “NEED TO KNOW recipients,” disclosed that the bureau was
investigating cyberintrusions against two state election websites this
summer, including one that resulted in the “exfiltration,” or theft, of
voter registration data. “It was an eye opener,” one senior law
enforcement official said of the bureau’s discovery of the intrusions.
“We believe it’s kind of serious, and we’re investigating.”
bulletin does not identify the states in question, but sources familiar
with the document say it refers to the targeting by suspected foreign
hackers of voter registration databases in Arizona and Illinois.
In the Illinois case, officials were forced to shut down the state’s
voter registration system for ten days in late July, after the hackers
managed to download personal data on up to 200,000 state voters, Ken
Menzel, the general counsel of the Illinois Board of Elections, said in
an interview. The Arizona attack was more limited, involving malicious
software that was introduced into its voter registration system but no
successful exfiltration of data, a state official said.
FBI Flash PDF : Targeting Activity Against State Board of Election Systems >>>
FBI bulletin listed eight separate IP addresses that were the sources
of the two attacks and suggested that the attacks may have been linked,
noting that one of the IP addresses was used in both intrusions. The
bulletin implied that the bureau was looking for any signs that the
attacks may have been attempting to target even more than the two
states. “The FBI is requesting that states contact their Board of
Elections and determine if any similar activity to their logs, both
inbound and outbound, has been detected,” the alert reads. “Attempts
should not be made to touch or ping the IP addresses directly.”
is a big deal,” said Rich Barger, chief intelligence officer for
ThreatConnect, a cybersecurity firm, who reviewed the FBI alert at the
request of Yahoo News. “Two state election boards have been popped, and
data has been taken. This certainly should be concerning to the common
American voter.”
noted that that one of the IP addresses listed in the FBI alert has
surfaced before in Russian criminal underground hacker forums. He also
said the method of attack on one of the state election systems —
including the types of tools used by the hackers to scan for
vulnerabilities and exploit them — appear to resemble methods used in
other suspected Russian state-sponsored cyberattacks, including one just
this month on the World Anti-Doping Agency.
FBI did not respond to detailed questions about the alert, saying in a
statement only that such bulletins are provided “to help systems
administrators guard against the actions of persistent cyber criminals.”
Menzel, the Illinois election official, said that in a recent briefing,
FBI agents confirmed to him that the perpetrators were believed to be
foreign hackers, although they were not identified by country. He said
he was told that the bureau was looking at a “possible link” to the
recent highly publicized attack on the Democratic National Committee and
other political organizations, which U.S. officials suspect was
perpetrated by Russian government hackers. But he said agents told him
they had reached no conclusions, and other experts say the hackers could
also have been common cyber criminals hoping to steal personal data on
state voters for fraudulent purposes, such as obtaining bogus tax
the FBI warning seems likely to ramp up pressure on the Department of
Homeland Security to formally designate state election systems as part
of the nation’s “critical infrastructure” requiring federal protection
— a key step, advocates say, in forestalling the possibility of foreign government meddling in the election.
a formal designation, which would allow state election officials to
request federal assistance to protect their voting systems, “is under
consideration,” a Homeland Security spokesman told Yahoo News.
and state election officials say that the prospect of a full-blown
cyberattack that seriously disrupts the November elections is remote,
but not out of the question. About 40 states use optical-scan
electronic-voting machines, allowing voters to fill out their choices on
paper. The results are tabulated by computers.
are “reasonably safe” because the voting machines are backed up by
paper ballots that can be checked, says Andrew W. Appel, a Princeton
University computer science professor who has studied election security.
But six states and parts of four others (including large swaths of
Pennsylvania, a crucial swing state in this year’s race) are more
vulnerable because they rely on paperless touchscreen voting, known as
DREs or Direct-Recording Electronic voting machines, for which there are
no paper ballot backups.
whatever numbers the voting computer says at the close of the polls are
completely under the control of the computer program in there,” Appel
wrote in a recent blog post entitled “Security Against Election Hacking.”
“If the computer is hacked, then the hacker gets to decide what numbers
are reported. … All DRE (paperless touchscreen) voting computers are
susceptible to this kind of hacking. This is our biggest
problem.” Another area of concern cited by Appel and other experts is
the growing number of states that allow overseas and military voters to cast their ballots online.
his conference call this month with state election officials, Johnson
urged them to guard against potential intrusions by taking basic
precautionary steps, such as ensuring that electronic voting machines
are not connected to the Internet while voting is taking place. The FBI
bulletin addresses additional potential threats, such as the targeting
of state voter registration databases comparable to the attacks in
Arizona and Illinois. “This is a wake-up call for other states to look
at their systems,” said Tom Hicks, chairman of the federal Election
Assistance Commission, an agency created by Congress after the 2000
Florida recount to protect the integrity of elections and which helped
distribute the FBI alert to state election officials last week.
could conceivably use intrusions into voter registration databases to
delete names from voter registration lists, although in most states,
voters can request provisional ballots at the polls, allowing time for
discrepancies to be resolved, an official of the National Association of
Secretaries of State told Yahoo News. Still, according to Barger, the
cybersecurity expert, such attacks can be used to create havoc and sow
doubt over the election results.
a result, the FBI alert urges state officials to take additional steps
to secure their systems, including conducting “vulnerability scans” of
their databases. In addition, the bulletin urges officials to sharply
restrict access to their databases. “Implement the principle of least
privilege for database accounts,” the FBI alert reads. It adds that “any
given user should have access to only the bare minimum set of resources
required to perform business tasks.”
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