Officials insisted the visitors on the platform were in no danger when the glass cracked on Monday, apparently due to someone dropping a stainless steel mug, according to the People's Daily Online. A spokesman at Yuntai Mountain Scenic Spot said only one out of the three layers of glass broke.
Maybe so, but according to the Daily Mail, a tourist who's known by her internet screen name "lidonghaishuohezainihaowodehai" gave an account on Weibo, the Chinese version of Twitter, that would freeze any acrophobe's blood:
"[I've] just witnessed history. The glass-bottomed walkway on Yuntai Mountain just cracked. When I was about to reach the end [of the passage], I heard a sudden bang and felt a shake under my feet.
"I looked down and saw the glass floor beneath me shattered. [I have] no idea why it happened, at that moment everybody was screaming.
"I yelled out loud 'It cracked, it really cracked!', then pushed the people in front of me to leave. [I was] terrified."
The 20-year-old's message has since been deleted.
Yuntai Mountain Scenic Spot evacuated the U-shaped platform and has since closed the attraction until further notice. It has only been open since Sept. 20.
According to a press release, 223 feet out of the 853-foot-long platform is paved with three layers of one-inch-thick glass panes, which can bear the weight of at least 1,764 pounds (800 kilograms).
Some 532 million people are traveling this week during China's week-long National Day holiday.
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