10 Annoying Things You'll Hear If You Keep Your Maiden Name

More women than ever are keeping their maiden names. In fact, according to recent data, about 30 percent of women are now opting to keep or use their maiden names in some way, up from just 17 percent in the 1970s. And yet, while the practice of keeping a maiden name is more common, it would seem society has some catching up to do. "When I told a coworker I was keeping my maiden name," says one newlywed, "she replied, 'Oh? Do you think that means you don't love your fiancé enough?' Um, what?"
So to see what you too might face if you choose to keep your maiden name, we asked several more real women to reveal the comments they themselves heard when they told family, friends, coworkers and even acquaintances they weren't taking their husbands' names. Here's what they had to report.
"That's going to make your kids' lives very tough."
"You're being so disrespectful to your husband."
"It would be a deal-breaker for me if my girlfriend didn't take my name."
"Is your career more important than your marriage?"
"Do you plan to get divorced?"
"You'll change your mind some day."
"If you don't change your name, how will people know you're married?"
"But you're going to use your husband's name, right?"
"I would be very worried if I were you about what his family is going to think of you now."
"Way to be trendy!"
