Stage IV Cancer Healed!
CBN TV - Stage IV Cancer Healed!
By Zsa Zsa Palagyi
The 700 Club -No one wants to get the kind of phone call Shirley Williams got from her doctor. “She said, ‘Shirley, you are eaten up with cancer. You have cancer not only in your breast, but it’s metastasized into your bones, into your organs, into your lymph nodes.’” Shirley, continuing through tears, “I thought, ‘How could this be? God, I’ve served you all my life. I don’t understand. Why?’”
Shirley had been having chest pains and feeling weak and foggy for some time. She rarely went to the doctor. But when the aches and pains didn’t go away, she decided to get checked out. What followed was a barrage of tests that revealed Shirley had stage IV cancer. It was untreatable, and she had only 90 days to live. For Shirley’s husband Mark, the questions began racing through his mind.
He candidly shares, “What if Shirley died? And what about the kids? Where am I going to be? What am I going to do? And I’m going, ‘this can’t be.’ I needed scriptures because that was the only place I could dig that I could find encouragement. And I told her, ‘Shirley, whose report are we going to believe? God’s word says that we shall live and not die and Shirley, it also says that no weapon formed against us will prosper and by His stripes, we are healed.’”
In the days that followed, the pain kept getting worse.
Shirley admits, “I could barely walk, my left hip was hurting so bad. The tumor in my right breast was about half the size of a fist. There were thoughts that crossed my mind that it would be easier to just lay down and die.”
But Shirley refused to give into fear. Instead, she and Mark decided to live by faith and speak not a single word of doubt.
She says with hope, “I never found one place in the scriptures where someone came to Jesus for healing that they were not healed. I began to see that faith was not just believing that God was able but it was believing that He will.”
So she sought God for direction. And Shirley says one night she woke up from a deep sleep—and saw Jesus at the foot of her bed.
She vividly recalls, “And as I saw Him, I saw compassion. I saw love, I saw hope. I began to feel sweat behind my right knee, and it was so unusual, and I looked at Him and I said, ‘Lord are you telling me to sweat?’”
Three days later, Shirley got her answer when she went to see a new oncologist named Dr. Olivares. He remembers, “I told her to pray for a miracle.”
Shirley adds, “He said, ‘Shirley, I’ve got a word for you before you leave.’”
“I told Shirley that she needed to sweat,” states Dr. Olivares.
She started intense sweat therapy—including detox, saunas, and lots of exercise. She also went on a strict organic diet. Meanwhile her friends and church family fasted and prayed for supernatural healing, and Mark prayed and laid hands on Shirley regularly.
Mark exclaims, “Jesus said, ‘You shall lay hands on the sick in my name and they shall recover’ and so I did that by just sheer faith. I commanded the pain to cease in the name of Jesus.”
Then three weeks after learning she had cancer, Shirley had a dream. She was standing behind a glass window. Coming straight at her was an overloaded, out of control semi-truck. Shirley recounts, “I just began to cry out ‘Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.’ And as I did, I remember seeing this truck coming and then all of a sudden,” she continues with a clap, “it tapped the glass right in front of me. And the spirit of the Lord spoke to me and He said, ‘That’s the cancer that I just stopped.’”
For the next two months Shirley continued with treatments, believing that God was healing her. Soon the good days were outweighing the bad days. And when she went in for her 90-day checkup, she finally got the news she’d been praying for.
Dr. Olivares says, “The PET scan showed that the tumor was gone and at least was no evidence that there was cancer in her body. I believe that when a person has stage IV cancer and the cancer is gone, it’s a miracle.”
“I was jumping excited, twirling, thanking God, just thanking God that He is a restorer,” Shirley joyfully exclaims.
Mark adds, “I felt free on the inside, free to plan again, free to know that God was including her and I together for the rest of our days here on earth.”
Since that August in 2012, Shirley’s had no sign of cancer.
She shares, “It’s been amazing to know that there is true life, and there really is freedom from sickness and disease. There really is freedom from pain.”
Shirley and Mark give all the credit to Jesus Christ.
“I’ve been healed today because I believed His word and I took it, and it had to become part of every cell of my being,” says Shirley. She concludes, “He’s not a respecter of persons. What He did for me, He will do for others.”
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