You may plan to start your
intimate evening with a three course decadent meal, or by sharing a
five-layer dessert in order to woo your partner with decadence, but in
truth you may be putting a damper on the evening. It takes a lot of
energy for your body to digest food and your stomach is only the size of
your fist, so eating more than you really need will only make you feel
overly full and bloated, and definitely not very sexy. Before your
romantic night begins, think about which foods offer the most health
benefits and in turn, you will feel your best.
As far as fruits go, watermelon happens to be ultra-hydrating, low in calories, and refreshing. According to a study
published by Texas A&M University, watermelon is similar to Viagra
in the sense that it affects the body’s blood vessels and may also
increase libido
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